Select Projects

A summary of design and writing projects organized by industry—includes published works, branded content, copy writing, collaborations, video and illustration

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ArtsHospitalityFashionEntertainmentWatches + JewelryCannabisReal Estate


Fine Art + Design + Literature  

Anderson Ranch Arts Center

  • Edit course descriptions for the Summer Workshop Catalogue.


Art Basel Miami Beach 

Bauhaus100 in Aspen 

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Daniel Arsham 

Donna Da Salvo (Whitney Museum Curator) 

Erwin Wurm ‘Instructions on How To Be Politically Incorrect: Inspection’ (2002)

Erwin Wurm ‘Instructions on How To Be Politically Incorrect: Inspection’ (2002)

Erwin Wurm 

Eva Stenram 

Farhad Morshiri 

Frieze Art Fair 

Friends with You 


Iván Argote 

James Franco 

José Parlá

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  • Profile for Standard Culture (Copy / Creative Direction)

  • Art Installation at The Standard, High Line (Marketing) 

  • Book collaboration (Marketing) 

  • Retail Collaboration  (Graphic Design & Product Design Production, ) 

  • Holiday Card Collaboration (Production, Graphic Design, and Production)


Kenny Scharf 

Leonard Cohen, Editor of WET Magazine 

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Liu Bolin 

  • Interview for Standard Culture 

  • Collaboration on “Hiding in the City Series.” Worked with artist to create photo and then puzzle of photo.  (Creative Direction / Marketing / Production) 

Marianne Boesky x Annabelle Zelldorf 

The Mary McCarthy Society


Maurizo Cattelan x Dennis Freedman 


  • Profile with the creative director of Pantone for Standard Culture 

Pharrell Williams

  • Interview on his collaboration with Daniel Arsham and art collecting with Emanuelle Perrotin for Standard Culture 

Rashid Johnson

Ryan McGinness  


Sophie Calle 

Shawn Haussman (Interior Designer) 

  • Profile / Interview for Standard Culture of his days at the Area Night Club (Copy & Art Direction)

Todd James

  • Editorial and product collaboration (Art Direction) 

Tomokazu Matsuyama 

  • Profile and Snow Globe collaboration for The Standard

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